(1) Using a jackknife or chisel, cut a half-round notch out of the
ends of two 3/16 inch dowels as shown in the photo. The length of
cut should be about a half inch, and the depth should be one half
the diameter of the dowel. Make the inside surface flat for each
notch so that when placed together, the combined diameter of the
two overlapping sticks is still 3/16 inch.
(3) Make your Dragon-Stick swab as normal, but this time use a dowel
with a notched end. Stretch the dental floss over the ledge of the
notch against the flat surface. Use a one-inch piece of vinyl tubing
to hold the dental floss in place. Push the tubing over the end
so that it overlaps the end of the notch (where the dental floss
is) by 1/4 inch.
(4) Push the other dowel with the notched end into the vinyl tubing
so that the two sticks overlap inside the tubing with the flat surfaces
snugged together.
(5) Use a short piece of masking tape to tape over both ends of
the vinyl tubing just like the swab end of the Dragon-Stick. This
will prevent any possibility that the vinyl edges might scratch your flute or penny whistle.
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